A Poem Comes to Life

I majored in English literature at Wayne State University in the late 1960’s and early ’70s. As part of the curriculum, I had to read a fair amount of poetry.

But none of it came to life like W. H. Auden’s poem “Musee des Beax Arts” did when Elisa Gabbert explored it in her New York Times article “A Poem (and a Painting) About the Suffering That Hides in Plain Sight.” If you want to understand a poem in depth, I highly recommend Gabbert’s essay, which starts with the poem’s opening lines:

“About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window
or just walking dully along…”

“Landscape With the Fall of Icarus” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Reading this article is like taking a short course in poetry appreciation. Well done!

A Family Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday following the holiday since Mike and Matt were working the holiday. Once we re-wicker our web site we’ll post photos of the gathering, hopefully by the end of the year.

A Thanksgiving Gathering
Counter-clockwise from the bottom: Molly, Matt, Mike, Cherie, Jamie, Alex, Anna, and Zach.

Happy holidays to all!


Welcome to our new Schutze Family blog, where we’ll keep you posted on the latest family news, photos, and recipes. We hope you’ll come back from time to time, and we look forward to your comments and emails.

(Our menu links will open our family website or give you a form to contact us.)

Enjoy, and have a happy holiday!